St Paul's Catholic Primary School, V.A.

Journeying together in faith, hope and love.


St Paul's Catholic Primary School, VA, Music Policy

Our Music curriculum has been carefully designed to suit the needs of the children at our school. Across the year groups, our children will gain access to a variety of units in the Charanga scheme, specialised provision including melodicas and choir and an introduction to music technology composition. We also teach the children traditional and modern hymns. 


Please see below for the long term plan for music. 

Details of the Scheme- Taken from the Charanga overview for teachers. 

The Charanga Musical School Scheme provides teachers with week-by-week lesson support for each year group in the school. It is ideal for specialist and non-specialist teachers and provides lesson plans, assessment, clear progression, and engaging and exciting whiteboard resources to support every lesson. The Scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum.

In line with the curriculum for music and guidance from Ofsted, this Scheme moves away from the previous levels and learning objective/outcome concepts to an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning.

Ofsted have stated that “We will not always know the learning outcomes” so segregated learning objectives at the start of each lesson are not appropriate. Instead the interrelated dimensions of music weave through the units to encourage the development of musical skills as the learning progresses through listening and appraising, differing musical activities (including creating and exploring) and performing.

How the Scheme is structured

Each Unit of Work comprises the of strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:

  1. Listening and Appraising
  2. Musical Activities
    1. Warm-up Games
    2. Optional Flexible Games
    3. Singing
    4. Playing instruments
    5. Improvisation
    6. Composition
  3. Performing


Music visitors


Live music in schools - LMEP (Back Chat Brass)

We were visited by the street band, 'Back Chat Brass' who shared their style of music with all the classes in school. 


One Small Step - Leeds International Piano Competition Event. 

Key Stage One were delighted to be visited by the award-winning, international pianist Yuanfan Yang who taught the children all about famous composers through time. 

Live music in schools - LMEP (Maia)

We were visited by the folk band, 'Maia' who shared their style of music with all the classes in school. 

Our own Year 6 Rock band! 

St. Paul's choir in the community

At St. Paul's we are incredibly proud of our choir who always enjoy sharing their wonderful talents with the school and members of the wider community. Please see below for some recent examples. 

BBC Radio 3 - Leeds Cathedral Choir

We are very proud that two of our Year 6 boys sang in a recording for BBC Radio 3 with the Leeds Cathedral Choir. If you would like to enjoy the performance, follow the link below.

LMEP - Leeds Arena Concert

Our choir joined in a spectacular concert at the Leeds First Direct Arena. We even made an appearance on the big screen!

The choir singing at the Headteacher's Mass in Leeds City Centre.

Advent is always a busy time for the choir. Here they are singing at three local care homes, St Gemma's Hospice, Sainsbury's and the SVP!

Our hall was full of parents and grandparents as they listened to our very special 'Carols Around the Tree'.

Diocese School Singing Programme & Diocese of Leeds Keyboard Studies Programme

Year 3 and 4 receive weekly singing sessions as part of the Diocese of Leeds Schools Singing Programme. These are delivered by an expert Choral Director from the Diocese, focusing on positive engagement with singing and supporting the Catholic life of the school through sacred music. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum - including notation - in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, the National Schools Singing Programme and the National Youth Choir of Scotland. Pupils also have the opportunity to join one of the Diocese's acclaimed after-school choirs. You can find online resources that support this work on the Schools Singing Programme's YouTube channel ( Our local Diocese choir is Leeds Cathedral Choir - please contact for more information about joining.

We are also proud to be part of the Diocese of Leeds Keyboard Studies Programme. Year 5 receive weekly keyboard sessions on the melodica delivered by an expert Instrumental Tutor from the Diocese, focusing on positive engagement with music and supporting Catholic virtues through patience, diligence and courage to perform. The sessions offer practical and incremental coverage of areas of the music curriculum – including notation – in a two-year curriculum framework developed by the Diocese, in consultation with the National Schools Singing Programme. Year 4 will be accessing the programme after February half term, as per our long term plan. 

The children have been learning all about dynamics, tempo and notation. They showcased their wonderful songs for their parents and other classes in the school. Please see below for some examples from their performances. 

Guitar club is up and running this year!

Year 2 sharing their final performance from the 'Hands, Feet, Heart' Charanga unit.

Year 1 enjoying a Charanga lesson using the recorders and glockenspiels.

Young Voices - Sheffield Arena

See below for photos and videos from our trip to the Young Voices concert at Sheffield Arena. 4800 children coming together in song and dance was a wonderful experience for both the children and staff. 

Our Young Voices choir singing with Heather Small!