St Paul's Catholic Primary School, V.A.

Journeying together in faith, hope and love.

Moving onto High School

Starting secondary school is a significant milestone in your child's life, in many ways more challenging than the start of primary education. We are here to help with the transition, and Miss Dixon is our Year 6 teacher and transition lead.

  • In Year 5, the children experience a taster day at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School. This includes a welcome meeting, briefings about high school life, and several lessons. Regardless of which high school you and your child choose when they leave St Paul's Catholic Primary School, VA,, this is an excellent opportunity to see how different high schools are to primary schools and to begin this important transition.
  • The Year 5 and Year 6 residentials are, for many children, the highlight of their time at primary school and these trips help the children to prepare for HiGH School by developing their independence, resilience, leadership and communication skills.
  • The application window for applying for high school places opens on 1 September and closes on 31 October. You can find out more and apply online here:
  • National offer day is in March each year.
  • Once we are notified of your child's offer of a secondary school, we will start working this school to support your child's transition.
  • After the Year 6 SATS in May, some of the final summer half-term is spent celebrating the children's achievements at primary school and preparing them for the next stage of their educational journey. This includes information sessions for parents.

Please find below links to the admissions pages of Catholic high schools in Leeds.


Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School

We are a feeder primary school for Cardinal Heenan.

Corpus Christi Catholic College

Corpus Christi, like St Paul's Catholic Primary School, VA, is part of St Gregory the Great Catholic Academy Trust.


Mount St Mary's Catholic High School


For each of these schools you will need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF), the same as when you applied for a place at St Paul's Catholic Primary School, VA.