St Paul's Catholic Primary School, V.A.

Journeying together in faith, hope and love.

Meet the Governors/ Academy Council

"The academy council know the school well. They have a clear understanding of the school s strengths and areas for improvement. They monitor the impact of leaders actions carefully . Leaders at all levels are very ambitious for their pupils. The trust has started to provide opportunities for leaders to share practice across all schools. Staff speak positively about leadership."

(Ofsted S5 Inspection November 2021)

What do School Governors do? What is an Academy Council?

School Governors are ordinary people, aged over 18, who are drawn from all walks of life.

Governors give their service voluntarily and no formal qualifications are necessary, although there are certain criteria to consider when appointing a Board of Governors. Governors, along with the Head Teacher and the school’s senior staff, form the leadership team of the school. They have a crucial role in ensuring the school is successful in meeting the needs of all its pupils and in achieving high standards.

Their term of office is usually four years.  This may be extended. Foundation Governors of a Catholic school are appointed by the Bishop and have special responsibilities as his representatives, to preserve and develop the distinctive Catholic character of the school.

All governors of the school can be contacted via the School Office. The Governors here at St Paul's Catholic Primary School VA form an Academy Council. They report to the Multi-Academy Trust Board and follow an agreed Scheme of Delegation.


Foundation Governors:

J. Muddiman (Chair of The Academy Council): I have been a member of this parish (attending Immaculate Heart Church) for over 50 years and my children have attended the parish schools in all education sectors.

My family has had connections with St. Paul's for over 50 years. Many members of my husband’s family attended the school as pupils and my eldest son attended St. Paul’s for 2 years before the re-organisation of Catholic education in 1990.

I am a retired Head Teacher of a Catholic school in Harrogate; I have always taught in Catholic schools and spent many happy years as a class teacher and later a senior manager at St. Paul’s from 1997 until 2003.

As a Catholic educator I was, and still am, totally committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for children whilst ensuring Christ is at the centre of everything we do. I offer my experience and enthusiasm in order to support the pupils, staff and parents of St. Paul’s.

I am extremely proud to be elected as the Chair and will do my best to build on the wonderful work of my predecessor, Mr Vickers, who has now moved up to the Trust Board. 

Chair's correspondence address:

St Paul's Catholic Primary School, VA,

Buck Stone Crescent, Alwoodley,


LS17 5ES


L. Denby (Vice Chair of The Academy Council) : I have been part of St Paul’s Community for over 30 years and have many great memories of being a pupil at the school, regularly attending Church and in later years receiving the Sacrament of Marriage as well as bringing our children up within the Catholic Faith here at St Paul’s. I am now a part time working mum of three children and I first became interested in joining the Academy Council when our eldest daughter started school in September 2014. It was a new chapter in our lives and I wanted to  be involved in her education and be part of a team to continue in the schools excellence. I hope that my skills and knowledge of working in a Finance Department of a Marketing Company will be a positive influence in maintaining St Paul’s high achievements. 


M.Colannino: I am delighted to be a Foundation Governor, having previously represented the parents as a Governor in 2020/21. Having seen my children move through the school and working within the Education sector, I am able to keep up-to-date with all policy changes and developments. I am a trained safeguarding officer and work closely with the school staff to keep all children and staff safe. I also specialise in EYFS and am passionate about raising standards for our youngest children My work in the St Paul's parish also enables me to build strong school and community links.  


Father Y. Aradom: Apointed Foundation Governor. February 2023. Father Yemane is a close friend of the school. He visits classes on a termly basis and supports the children with sacramental preparations. Father Yemane has experiences in life other people could only dream of. We are delighted he is part of our Academy Council team. 


J.Brownrigg: I have been a parishioner at St.Paul’s since 1987, both my children attended St Paul's Primary School and then progressed through schools in the Diocese and onto Higher Education. As a Foundation Governor I look forward to contributing to and celebrating the catholic character of St Paul’s school. I have over 40 years experience teaching and leading in schools as a class teacher, subject Lead, Head of Department and as a member of the Senior Leadership Team. The knowledge and expertise I have gained during this time will enable me to be a ‘critical friend’ and to support the senior leadership of St.Paul’s as they ensure all pupils needs are met, high standards are achieved and each child realises their full potential. (Appointed Foundation Governor June 2023)


K.Dickinson: Foundation Governor and Parent. Appointed Foundation Governor June 2024.  


Parent Governors:

A.Brown: Appointed December 2021. I am passionate about science and have previously volunteered as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassador, providing scientific outreach to schools and community groups in West Yorkshire and beyond.  I am a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), the Research Quality Association (RQA) and the Institute for Clinical Research (ICR).  In my work, I lead a diverse global team to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products and medical devices.  I joined the Academy Council as a Parent Governor in 2021 and currently have one daughter in school, and a son that will join in September 2024.


L.Mullarkey: Appointed February 2024. 


Staff Governors:

Mr P. Bowker: Headteacher representative on the Academy Council.  

Miss P. Dixon: I am an experienced member of staff and I am proud to sit on the Academy Council. I act as a link between the staff and governors, working for the benefits of the children at St Paul's Catholic Primary School, VA.  My specialisms are History, English and Music. 


Clerk to the Academy Council

Leeds Governance Service


If you require copies of Academy Council meeting minutes please email: 

Governor Attendance at Meetings 2024 2025.

Governor Attendance at Meetings 2023 2024.

Governor Attendance at Meetings 2022 2023.